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Companies Sports and games

9 maanden fit

Municipality Oldambt

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Raadhuisstraat 23-C
9697 PN Blijham
Municipality Westerwolde
Telephone: 0597–561710

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Atletiekvereniging Aquilo

Bovenburen 110
9675 HH Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 0597-421123

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BadmintonClub Stadskanaal

Sporthal de Spont Ghandiplein 14
9501 DB Stadskanaal
Municipality Stadskanaal
Telephone: +31597675099

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Budocentrum Chikara

Bovenburen 104b
9675 HH Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 0597-417744

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Dojo Ohtsuka

Lutkelant 2 Industrieterr. Eextahaven 3
9679 VE Scheemda
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 0597-592120

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Fight & Fitness Academy Knaap

Mercuriusweg 1a
9561 AL Ter Apel
Municipality Westerwolde
Telephone: 06-51310283

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Flying BIrds

Bovenburen 249
9675 HE Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt

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Golf Club Westerwolde

Laan van Westerwolde
9541 ZA Vlagtwedde
Municipality Westerwolde

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J.Oldenburgerstraat E53
9663 RV Nieuwe Pekela
Municipality Pekela
Telephone: 0597-647725

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Hockeyclub HCSO

Manegelaan 3
9502 CB Stadskanaal
Municipality Stadskanaal
Telephone: 0599-639670

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Hockeyclub HCW

St. Vitusholt 7e Laan
9674 AX Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 0645175377

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Jubileumcommissie WVV 1896

Beertsterweg, 11
9672BE Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: (0597)421132

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Judoschool TRJ Oost-Groningen

Veenweg 10
9684 AT Finsterwolde
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 0597-332672

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Marijn Kenter BMX Fietscross

Municipality Oldambt

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Motorclub Veendam

Jan Kokweg 8
9641 KT Veendam
Municipality Veendam
Telephone: 0598-614262

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Nordic Walking Centrum Oost Groningen

Kastanjelaan 15
9674 BA Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 31597423462

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Racingteam Angela & Demi

Beneluxweg 62
9636 HV Zuidbroek
Municipality Midden-Groningen
Telephone: 06-53249149

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RUN Winschoten

p/a PB 102
9670AC Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 0597414783

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Schaakvereniging JH Kruit

Neuteboomstraat 5a
9502 CR Stadskanaal
Municipality Stadskanaal
Telephone: 0599-853406

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Schermvereniging Ter Apel

Bentlagestraat 40
9561 HB Ter Apel
Municipality Westerwolde

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Sportvereniging T.H.O.S.

Hoofdstraat 42a
9686 PE Beerta
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 0597-851432

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Stichting Beach Events

Kloosterlaan 27A
9675 JL Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt

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SV Drieborg

Oudeweg 2
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 06-50658587

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Tennis- en Padelclub Sla Raak

Hoorntjesweg 57
9675 NB Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 0597–414599

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Tennisvereniging LTC Amor

Bredelaan 2a
9686PW Beerta
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 0597-332579(kantinebeheer)

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Voetbalvereniging SJS

Julianastraat 85
9503 LA Stadskanaal
Municipality Stadskanaal
Telephone: 0599-614896

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Volleybal Club Blijham

Raadhuisstraat 23a
9697 PN Blijham
Municipality Westerwolde
Telephone: 0597434446

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Dassenwissel 39
9675 PB Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt

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Winschoter Kunstrolschaats Club

Ulsderweg 17 (postadres)
9686 XX Beerta
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 06-51074867(voorinformatie)

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Winschoter Tafeltennis Vereniging

Jachtlaan 19
9675JA Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 0597-424696

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WVV 1896

Mr. D.U. Stikkerlaan 1a
9675 AA Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: 0597-423117

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Zaalvoetbal Vereniging (zvv WMC)

Meester D.U. Stikkerlaan 8
9671 BZ Winschoten
Municipality Oldambt
Telephone: (06)38185121

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Bekijk ook eens:

9 maanden fit Scheemda
Flying BIrds Winschoten
Jubileumcommissie WVV 1896 Winschoten
Winschoter Kunstrolschaats Club Beerta
Tennis- en Padelclub Sla Raak Winschoten

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On the website Oostgrunn.nl anyone can contribute to improve the image of East Groningen and to let everybody know the beauties of the area. Visitors can respond to all subjects, give a review and share experiences. Also, everyone can vote on our poll, add photos, promote events, sports clubs and write sport competition results. Give a good reason yourself why East Groningen is a beautiful region. We ask the cooperation of all residents and visitors of East Groningen to help us with the promotion of this beautiful region.

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Uw bedrijf hier voor slechts € 65 ex BTW per jaar


Business Partners

Johan Kroon Administratie Scheemda
Klooster Reizen Winschoten
Hoogma Webdesign Beerta
ESET Antivirus en internetbeveiliging
24/7 Bestellen Beerta
Secusoft Security Software Beerta
MB&D - Michels Beveiliging en Dienstverlening Vlagtwedde
Komex Musselkanaal

--- advertentie ---

Oost-Groningen is een prachtige regio want....

In het prachtige stroomdalgebied van Westerwolde ligt Landgoed Terwupping een vergeten stuk natuurpracht

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